Alternative Medicine Certification Lightning Skills Bundle Copy

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  • End of course CPD certificate

Alternative Medicine Certification Lightning Skills Bundle Copy

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Alternative Medicine Lightning Skills Bundle Course

Alternative medicine is a broad and intriguing field of medicinal principles and practices that are not considered to be mainstream. Western medicine is considered the traditional and mainstream form of medicine, practiced by medical professionals across the world.

When medical treatment isn't quite traditional, it's usually called a form of alternative medicine. The term also covers some of the world's most ancient forms of medicinal therapy and medical practices.

Chinese medicine and herbal solutions were around even before Western medicine and are still used in many areas today. A good thing to keep in mind when learning about alternative medicine is that it's best used as a complement to traditional medical methods, not a complete replacement.

However, alternative medicine foundations and methods have proven to be very effective and important in treating ailments from the common cold to a constant feeling of stress. There are many benefits to learning about the history of medicine and the roots of healing. The field of alternative medicine covers many different theories, backgrounds and practices.

In this course bundle, you will focus on some of the most unique and used forms of alternative medicine.

You Will Learn:

  • How to become a better learner in all aspects of your life. Not only is this course specifically designed to help you learn and absorb the most information, but it also explores a wide array of subjects. This allows you to learn with variety and not just focus on one thing.
  • The history and practices of some of the most common forms of alternative medicine in the world. You will have the chance to understand the background of these forms of medicine, some of their downfalls, and what practices are still used around the world.
  • How to safely and responsibly use and communicate some forms of alternative medicine. One of the best things about alternative medicine is that it does not always require a medical professional. There are tangible ways for anyone to play a role in their own health or the health of their friends and family.

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will have access to eight courses, each dedicated to giving you a comprehensive understanding of a different alternative medicine topic. By the end of this course bundle, you will be well-versed in several different areas of alternative medicine.
  • This course bundle is specifically organized to give you the best possible selection of alternative medicine courses. The bundle is designed to help you move forward in these skills and this knowledge as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  • You will be able to deepen and focus on some skills that you already have. This course bundle isn't just useful for people who are totally new to alternative medicine, it is also great for anyone who wants a refresher on their knowledge, or a tangible way to prove that they have committed to self-development and learning new skills.
  • You will be able to improve your CV upon completion of this course bundle. This can help prove to potential employers that you not only have these skills but also that you are committed to learning new and valuable things.

This course includes

24/7 Student Support

End of course certification

Lifetime access to your course

Compatible with modern devices

PLUS - Access to the exclusive New Skills Academy Study Group!

This is a bundle course, and contains the following courses:

Chinese Medicine

As healthcare costs rise and many healthcare facilities become overwhelmed, some people often end up left without treatment options or prefer non-invasive solutions.

There is power in taking control over your own health and treatment plans. With Chinese medicine, you can get many treatments that can help reduce inflammation and, in some cases, improve your health and wellness with your doctor's agreement.

The difference between Western medicine and Chinese medicine is complex. Each system has its benefits and drawbacks. People who learn about Chinese medicine often benefit from learning about the different types of naturopathic methods used to treat and care for different conditions.

While Chinese medicine is certainly not a 'cure-all', or a fix-all', it can be used to offer a new understanding of medical treatments.

This course will go into detail about what Chinese medicine is, how it differs from Western medicine and types of diagnosis and treatment methods that are used.

We explain the four pillars of diagnosis, how they are applied to the patient and information regarding various treatment options.

Next, we review the benefits of Chinese medicine, the spiritual components and the types of people who can use Chinese medicine and those who should avoid it.

Finally, we provide a few steps to help you select a well-trained Chinese medicine practitioner and discuss the importance of informing your general practitioner of all treatments that you use.

You Will Learn:

  • About Chinese medicine as a whole
  • How Chinese medicine compares to Western medicine
  • Who should use it and who should avoid it
  • How Chinese medicine uses alternative methods of diagnoses and treatments

The Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will learn about an alternative to Western medicine that has been around for thousands of years
  • You will learn about a naturopathic philosophy
  • You will learn about the health benefits of using Chinese medicine as a treatment option

Herbal Health

There are at least three major types of medicinal practices currently used in the medical field. Herbal health is a common medicinal practice that is used to treat a wide variety of ailments without having to go to the doctor.

People who take the time to learn about herbal medicine often find ways to improve their diets and overall health and wellness. While herbal medicine encompasses a vast history and range of remedies, it never hurts to learn about a few to treat common ailments or illnesses at home.

This course goes into detail about what herbal health is, common medicinal plants that are often used and how herbal health differs from both conventional and holistic medicine. We begin by addressing how herbal health differs from holistic health and providing you with information on how it can benefit you.

Next, we review conditions that have herbal health treatments, people who should not use herbal health treatments, which practitioners have knowledge on herbal health, and more.

Finally, we give you a few tips and bits of advice when using herbal health treatments at home.

You Will Learn:

  • What herbal health is in relation to medicine
  • The difference between herbal health, holistic health and conventional health
  • Common plants and treatments used in herbal medicine
  • Tips and advice for using herbal health
  • Who to seek out for herbal health treatments

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will be able to learn about a type of alternative medicine
  • You will see how some conditions can be treated and/or prevented with herbal health remedies
  • Understanding when to use conventional medicine and when to use herbal health treatments

Holistic Health

Most people are familiar with modern conventional medicine and ancient herbal remedies. Holistic medicine is the happy medium between herbal medicine and conventional medicine with a twist. It uses a wider selection of treatments and an entirely different way of going about curing or adapting to disease.

People who take the time to learn about holistic health often find themselves feeling more in control over their health, finding a sense of balance in their wellbeing, an improved diet, better physical health and more.

This course goes into detail regarding the basics of holistic health, practitioners of holistic health, how holistic health is used to treat disease and more. We will begin by explaining the differences between holistic health in comparison to herbal and conventional medicine.

Next, we review the areas that holistic health focuses on the most, the benefits of holistic medicine and steps to help get you started.

Finally, we give you tips on using holistic treatments at home and when you should seek out your general practitioner for advice.

You Will Learn:

  • How holistic medicine differs from herbal and conventional medicine
  • The different areas that make up holistic health care
  • How holistic medicine works
  • The different types of holistic practitioners
  • The benefits of using holistic medicine
  • How to use holistic medicine in your life
  • Tips on using holistic medicine effectively for your lifestyle needs

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will learn about the different areas of health and how they affect you as a whole
  • You will learn about another method of treating various conditions and ailments
  • You can improve your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and sexual health
  • Understanding how holistic medicine can be used instead of conventional medical practices
  • Helps you regain control over your own health and treatment options

Introduction to Feng Shui

There are many ways in which you can organize a home or space. For those who suffer from clutter and hoarding, ancient aesthetic philosophies may be the solution to your problems. Feng shui is more than just a tool to throw out old junk — it is an entire belief based around the life energies that flow through everything, both living and non-living.

By balancing your home's energies, you can benefit from better mental health and mental clarity, less clutter, more mindfulness, and more.

In this course, you will firstly learn about feng shui, other aesthetic philosophies, how feng shui works and the basics of feng shui. Next, you will learn about the elemental phases, trigrams, the importance of the proper placements of things and even color.

Finally, you will learn about the various benefits of feng shui, how to apply feng shui in your home or space and some advice to help you perfect your feng shui skills.

You Will Learn:

  • About different philosophies and where feng shui began
  • What qi is in relation to objects
  • The importance of color and directions and the elements of feng shui
  • How to use feng shui in your space to regain harmony and balance

The Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You learn about an ancient philosophy involving aesthetics and balance
  • You get to look into the essence of feng shui
  • How to apply feng shui, not just in your home but also in your life
  • How feng shui relates to other Chinese arts

Introduction to The Science of Happiness

The path to being happy starts with a change in what you think about happiness. Do you wish you were happier, but it just seems out of reach? This course was created to demystify happiness.

Society has told us that happiness is tied to your bank balance and success. While those goals are great to pursue, if you look around yourself, you will see that those factors alone do not determine whether or not someone is happy. Happiness is now - and you can begin pursuing habits that lead to happiness no matter what else you have or don't have in your life.

The purpose of this course is to empower you to find and enjoy happiness wherever you are. This course starts off by giving you a new perspective on what happiness is. We teach you what really affects your happiness and show that you can change your natural happiness level.

The course also covers the importance of gratitude, self-love activities and relationships. Limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours that may be standing in the way of your happiness are challenged throughout the course. Completing this course should leave you empowered to pursue true happiness immediately.

You Will Learn:

  • What really determines happiness, according to leading positive psychology researchers
  • How to evaluate your happiness baseline
  • Practical ways to be happier at work, in your friendship and family relationships and when you are by yourself
  • How to set yourself up for happiness and success, instead of sabotaging yourself
  • Why relationships matter in your pursuit of happiness

Benefits of Taking This Course

  • Change your perspective about what happiness is and is not
  • Zero in on the big and little things that make you happy as an individual
  • Learn practical happiness habits to begin developing in your everyday life
  • Develop a more positive outlook on life

Medical Acupuncture

Medical acupuncture is the integration of acupuncture with allied or medical western health practices. Believed to have originated from Europe and Asia, acupuncture is practiced in its original and hybrid form.

Medical acupuncture is founded on the therapeutic insertion of needles in different patterns and combinations in certain points on the body. Traditional acupuncture principles, such as promoting qi flow — subtle revitalising energy — through channels of acupuncture influence the choice of patterns of needles.

Modern concepts are also used in the choice of needle patterns. The two principles are used independently or together. The integration of traditional acupuncture principles and modern medical approaches to form hybrid acupuncture is the basis of medical acupuncture. It is also important to its success.

This course focuses on medical acupuncture. Firstly, we describe what it is and how it comes about. Next, the course briefly looks into the history of acupuncture. It explains the physiology of acupuncture and provides detailed information on acupuncture needles. It also states the benefits of medical acupuncture and provides a few effects of the practice.

You Will Learn:

  • What medical acupuncture is and how it comes about
  • About the history of acupuncture
  • How acupuncture works
  • About acupuncture needles
  • The benefits of medical acupuncture
  • The effects of medical acupuncture

Benefits of Taking This Course:

    Taking this course will help you:
  • Know what medical acupuncture is
  • Learn its origin and how it works
  • Learn the importance of engaging in medical acupuncture
  • Learn how medical acupuncture can help you
  • Know the effects of medical acupuncture and how safe it is
  • Develop an interest in learning more about the practice
  • Determine whether you want to take up acupuncture as a career
  • Determine whether acupuncture can help treat your health condition
  • Determine whether you want to conduct a study on acupuncture or medical acupuncture and its outcomes

The Benefits of Tai Chi

Tai chi is an ancient martial arts practice that everyone can benefit from. F

rom its relaxing movements to the interesting philosophy behind the art, tai chi is a great way in which to decompress and improve your longevity and your health.

People who take the time to explore the martial arts often benefit the most by practicing tai chi first. While it may not be the most aggressive martial art style, it is a sound way in which to learn basic movements and improve overall balance.

This course will explain the basics of tai chi, the many benefits of tai chi and steps to start practicing this particular style of martial arts.

Next, we will go into detail on how to begin practicing tai chi at home or in public, the styles of tai chi and what to expect overall.

Finally, we will give you a few extra tips about learning the philosophy behind tai chi, finding good tai chi instructors and more.

You Will Learn:

  • About what tai chi is
  • The basics of tai chi
  • The many health benefits of tai chi
  • Tips for practicing tai chi properly and safely

The Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • Improve mental and physical health
  • Insights into a peaceful martial arts style
  • Applying tai chi philosophy in other areas of life

Introduction to The Power of the Mind Certification

The mind is a very powerful tool that can help you achieve just about anything. Whether it be conquering a subject, improving skills for work, learning a new language or understanding the world on a deeper level, there is much to be learned.

People who take the time to learn about the various aspects of the human mind and improve their own minds often benefit from an improved sense of self, a stronger work ethic, confidence in their own abilities and more.

This course will delve into the power that your mind can hold, successful methods to develop a powerful mind for learning, and bad habits to avoid.

Next, we will provide you with four methods to help you build your mind for success and self-improvement.

Finally, we will give simple steps to follow, discuss the benefits of a healthy mind and give advice, to help you along your journey for knowledge and fulfilment.

You Will Learn:

  • Good habits of a sound mind
  • Bad habits to avoid
  • The importance of developing your intellect in various areas
  • Tips to help you develop your mind and achieve your goals, both in the workplace and on a personal level

The Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will get a firmer understanding of the importance of seeking knowledge and learning every day
  • You will see an improved mental awareness, intellect and confidence in yourself
  • You will be able to accomplish goals for personal development and work goals

of achievement

This certificate is presented to

Your Name


For completing the

Alternative Medicine Certification Lightning Skills Bundle Copy

on 21st November 2024

Selena Hurford

Selena Hurford

Course Tutor


Daniel Morgan

Daniel Morgan

Head of Academy

Certificate Example

Anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter is encouraged to take the course. There are no entry requirements to take the course.

The course is broken down into 0 individual modules. Each module takes between 20 and 90 minutes on average to study. Although you are free to spend as much or as little time as you feel necessary on each module, simply log in and out of the course at your convenience.

You can study the course any time you like. Simply log in and out of the web based course as often as you require. The course is compatible with all computers, tablet devices and smart phones so you can even study while on the move!

Once you have completed all 0 modules there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the 0 modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken a time and location of your choosing.

The pass mark for the test is 70%.

If you don’t pass the test first time you will get further opportunities to take the test again after extra study. There are no limits to the number of times you can take the test. All test retakes are included within the price of the course.

Once you have completed your test you can log in to your account and download/print your certificate any time you need it. If you would prefer us to post you a certificate to a UK address, there will be an admin charge of £10 (certificates sent internationally may cost more).

You can either use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Solo cards or PayPal account to pay for the online course. Our site uses the latest SSL encryption to ensure your safety. All payments are handled securely by PayPal.

You can begin the course immediately after your payment has been received. You will create your login details during the checkout process. We will also send you an email confirming your login details.

We estimate that the course will take about 4 hours to complete in total, plus an additional 30 minutes for the end of course test.

Once you have been awarded your certificate it is valid for life. The certificate does not expire or need renewing.

I really enjoyed taking time to complete this Floristry diploma course online. I have been flower arranging for a few years now and wanted to improve my knowledge and skills. The course was very detailed and the assignments were good, some very creative, I found the history very interesting and how the different periods used flowers for decoration. I am really interested in wedding flower design modules fourteen and fifteen were of particular interest to me. I also found the starting your own business section very helpful. I would definitely recommend for anyone interested in Floristry to take the course.

Siobhan Conway

Taking the International Massage Diploma Course at New Skills Academy was my best idea and my best investment in a long time. The flexible timing, professional yet easy understand material helped me to change career (and life) in no time. Absolutely brilliant.

Mihaly Galambosi

It is quite an interesting course! I have learnt a lot since I have seen the precise explanation and video illustration, and I have enough time to learn so well as I did it in my own pace. I've fully understood the whole concept on each module. By the time I've finished the last module, I'm quite prepared for the exam because everything I've learnt has already been absorbed into my mind. Even once I've finished the course, I'm looking forward to learn more by reviewing the course again. Now, I can properly apply the techniques into our massage spa business.

Ma Margarita

Have purchased an online training course for an excellent price and I am very happy with the modules, presentation and interesting details contained in the course.

Andrea Berta

A very helpful and well-structured introduction to Complete Animal Care. I haven't completed all the course content and modules, but I am finding it is clear and easy to understand and the topics are presented with enough detail to enable a good understanding, but not overwhelm you!
Very straightforward process to access content, good value for money and there is an extensive range of free downloadable resources relating to the course.
While learning at my own pace, the course is giving me all the information I need to start my dream career. I have already and will continue to highly recommend New Skills Academy!

Jenna Griffin

I am considering a career change, so this seemed a good place to start. The course was comprehensive, for the price and easy to follow. The videos were also really helpful, to help put the information into context. The instructor was very down to earth and easy to follow.

It is helpful to be able to print out the course notes, to refer to at a later date. I will also re-watch the videos when I need to.

The test at the end was multiple choice. There may have been information relating to this on the website, but I didn't find it. The questions were very specific, so you do need to have revised before you take the test.

All in all, I am impressed, for the £40 I spent.

Kirsty Trenerry

Alternative Medicine Lightning Skills Bundle Course

Alternative medicine is a broad and intriguing field of medicinal principles and practices that are not considered to be mainstream. Western medicine is considered the traditional and mainstream form of medicine, practiced by medical professionals across the world.

When medical treatment isn't quite traditional, it's usually called a form of alternative medicine. The term also covers some of the world's most ancient forms of medicinal therapy and medical practices.

Chinese medicine and herbal solutions were around even before Western medicine and are still used in many areas today. A good thing to keep in mind when learning about alternative medicine is that it's best used as a complement to traditional medical methods, not a complete replacement.

However, alternative medicine foundations and methods have proven to be very effective and important in treating ailments from the common cold to a constant feeling of stress. There are many benefits to learning about the history of medicine and the roots of healing. The field of alternative medicine covers many different theories, backgrounds and practices.

In this course bundle, you will focus on some of the most unique and used forms of alternative medicine.

You Will Learn:

  • How to become a better learner in all aspects of your life. Not only is this course specifically designed to help you learn and absorb the most information, but it also explores a wide array of subjects. This allows you to learn with variety and not just focus on one thing.
  • The history and practices of some of the most common forms of alternative medicine in the world. You will have the chance to understand the background of these forms of medicine, some of their downfalls, and what practices are still used around the world.
  • How to safely and responsibly use and communicate some forms of alternative medicine. One of the best things about alternative medicine is that it does not always require a medical professional. There are tangible ways for anyone to play a role in their own health or the health of their friends and family.

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will have access to eight courses, each dedicated to giving you a comprehensive understanding of a different alternative medicine topic. By the end of this course bundle, you will be well-versed in several different areas of alternative medicine.
  • This course bundle is specifically organized to give you the best possible selection of alternative medicine courses. The bundle is designed to help you move forward in these skills and this knowledge as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  • You will be able to deepen and focus on some skills that you already have. This course bundle isn't just useful for people who are totally new to alternative medicine, it is also great for anyone who wants a refresher on their knowledge, or a tangible way to prove that they have committed to self-development and learning new skills.
  • You will be able to improve your CV upon completion of this course bundle. This can help prove to potential employers that you not only have these skills but also that you are committed to learning new and valuable things.

This course includes

24/7 Student Support

End of course certification

Lifetime access to your course

Compatible with modern devices

PLUS - Access to the exclusive New Skills Academy Study Group!

This is a bundle course, and contains the following courses:

Chinese Medicine

As healthcare costs rise and many healthcare facilities become overwhelmed, some people often end up left without treatment options or prefer non-invasive solutions.

There is power in taking control over your own health and treatment plans. With Chinese medicine, you can get many treatments that can help reduce inflammation and, in some cases, improve your health and wellness with your doctor's agreement.

The difference between Western medicine and Chinese medicine is complex. Each system has its benefits and drawbacks. People who learn about Chinese medicine often benefit from learning about the different types of naturopathic methods used to treat and care for different conditions.

While Chinese medicine is certainly not a 'cure-all', or a fix-all', it can be used to offer a new understanding of medical treatments.

This course will go into detail about what Chinese medicine is, how it differs from Western medicine and types of diagnosis and treatment methods that are used.

We explain the four pillars of diagnosis, how they are applied to the patient and information regarding various treatment options.

Next, we review the benefits of Chinese medicine, the spiritual components and the types of people who can use Chinese medicine and those who should avoid it.

Finally, we provide a few steps to help you select a well-trained Chinese medicine practitioner and discuss the importance of informing your general practitioner of all treatments that you use.

You Will Learn:

  • About Chinese medicine as a whole
  • How Chinese medicine compares to Western medicine
  • Who should use it and who should avoid it
  • How Chinese medicine uses alternative methods of diagnoses and treatments

The Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will learn about an alternative to Western medicine that has been around for thousands of years
  • You will learn about a naturopathic philosophy
  • You will learn about the health benefits of using Chinese medicine as a treatment option

Herbal Health

There are at least three major types of medicinal practices currently used in the medical field. Herbal health is a common medicinal practice that is used to treat a wide variety of ailments without having to go to the doctor.

People who take the time to learn about herbal medicine often find ways to improve their diets and overall health and wellness. While herbal medicine encompasses a vast history and range of remedies, it never hurts to learn about a few to treat common ailments or illnesses at home.

This course goes into detail about what herbal health is, common medicinal plants that are often used and how herbal health differs from both conventional and holistic medicine. We begin by addressing how herbal health differs from holistic health and providing you with information on how it can benefit you.

Next, we review conditions that have herbal health treatments, people who should not use herbal health treatments, which practitioners have knowledge on herbal health, and more.

Finally, we give you a few tips and bits of advice when using herbal health treatments at home.

You Will Learn:

  • What herbal health is in relation to medicine
  • The difference between herbal health, holistic health and conventional health
  • Common plants and treatments used in herbal medicine
  • Tips and advice for using herbal health
  • Who to seek out for herbal health treatments

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will be able to learn about a type of alternative medicine
  • You will see how some conditions can be treated and/or prevented with herbal health remedies
  • Understanding when to use conventional medicine and when to use herbal health treatments

Holistic Health

Most people are familiar with modern conventional medicine and ancient herbal remedies. Holistic medicine is the happy medium between herbal medicine and conventional medicine with a twist. It uses a wider selection of treatments and an entirely different way of going about curing or adapting to disease.

People who take the time to learn about holistic health often find themselves feeling more in control over their health, finding a sense of balance in their wellbeing, an improved diet, better physical health and more.

This course goes into detail regarding the basics of holistic health, practitioners of holistic health, how holistic health is used to treat disease and more. We will begin by explaining the differences between holistic health in comparison to herbal and conventional medicine.

Next, we review the areas that holistic health focuses on the most, the benefits of holistic medicine and steps to help get you started.

Finally, we give you tips on using holistic treatments at home and when you should seek out your general practitioner for advice.

You Will Learn:

  • How holistic medicine differs from herbal and conventional medicine
  • The different areas that make up holistic health care
  • How holistic medicine works
  • The different types of holistic practitioners
  • The benefits of using holistic medicine
  • How to use holistic medicine in your life
  • Tips on using holistic medicine effectively for your lifestyle needs

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will learn about the different areas of health and how they affect you as a whole
  • You will learn about another method of treating various conditions and ailments
  • You can improve your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and sexual health
  • Understanding how holistic medicine can be used instead of conventional medical practices
  • Helps you regain control over your own health and treatment options

Introduction to Feng Shui

There are many ways in which you can organize a home or space. For those who suffer from clutter and hoarding, ancient aesthetic philosophies may be the solution to your problems. Feng shui is more than just a tool to throw out old junk — it is an entire belief based around the life energies that flow through everything, both living and non-living.

By balancing your home's energies, you can benefit from better mental health and mental clarity, less clutter, more mindfulness, and more.

In this course, you will firstly learn about feng shui, other aesthetic philosophies, how feng shui works and the basics of feng shui. Next, you will learn about the elemental phases, trigrams, the importance of the proper placements of things and even color.

Finally, you will learn about the various benefits of feng shui, how to apply feng shui in your home or space and some advice to help you perfect your feng shui skills.

You Will Learn:

  • About different philosophies and where feng shui began
  • What qi is in relation to objects
  • The importance of color and directions and the elements of feng shui
  • How to use feng shui in your space to regain harmony and balance

The Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You learn about an ancient philosophy involving aesthetics and balance
  • You get to look into the essence of feng shui
  • How to apply feng shui, not just in your home but also in your life
  • How feng shui relates to other Chinese arts

Introduction to The Science of Happiness

The path to being happy starts with a change in what you think about happiness. Do you wish you were happier, but it just seems out of reach? This course was created to demystify happiness.

Society has told us that happiness is tied to your bank balance and success. While those goals are great to pursue, if you look around yourself, you will see that those factors alone do not determine whether or not someone is happy. Happiness is now - and you can begin pursuing habits that lead to happiness no matter what else you have or don't have in your life.

The purpose of this course is to empower you to find and enjoy happiness wherever you are. This course starts off by giving you a new perspective on what happiness is. We teach you what really affects your happiness and show that you can change your natural happiness level.

The course also covers the importance of gratitude, self-love activities and relationships. Limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours that may be standing in the way of your happiness are challenged throughout the course. Completing this course should leave you empowered to pursue true happiness immediately.

You Will Learn:

  • What really determines happiness, according to leading positive psychology researchers
  • How to evaluate your happiness baseline
  • Practical ways to be happier at work, in your friendship and family relationships and when you are by yourself
  • How to set yourself up for happiness and success, instead of sabotaging yourself
  • Why relationships matter in your pursuit of happiness

Benefits of Taking This Course

  • Change your perspective about what happiness is and is not
  • Zero in on the big and little things that make you happy as an individual
  • Learn practical happiness habits to begin developing in your everyday life
  • Develop a more positive outlook on life

Medical Acupuncture

Medical acupuncture is the integration of acupuncture with allied or medical western health practices. Believed to have originated from Europe and Asia, acupuncture is practiced in its original and hybrid form.

Medical acupuncture is founded on the therapeutic insertion of needles in different patterns and combinations in certain points on the body. Traditional acupuncture principles, such as promoting qi flow — subtle revitalising energy — through channels of acupuncture influence the choice of patterns of needles.

Modern concepts are also used in the choice of needle patterns. The two principles are used independently or together. The integration of traditional acupuncture principles and modern medical approaches to form hybrid acupuncture is the basis of medical acupuncture. It is also important to its success.

This course focuses on medical acupuncture. Firstly, we describe what it is and how it comes about. Next, the course briefly looks into the history of acupuncture. It explains the physiology of acupuncture and provides detailed information on acupuncture needles. It also states the benefits of medical acupuncture and provides a few effects of the practice.

You Will Learn:

  • What medical acupuncture is and how it comes about
  • About the history of acupuncture
  • How acupuncture works
  • About acupuncture needles
  • The benefits of medical acupuncture
  • The effects of medical acupuncture

Benefits of Taking This Course:

    Taking this course will help you:
  • Know what medical acupuncture is
  • Learn its origin and how it works
  • Learn the importance of engaging in medical acupuncture
  • Learn how medical acupuncture can help you
  • Know the effects of medical acupuncture and how safe it is
  • Develop an interest in learning more about the practice
  • Determine whether you want to take up acupuncture as a career
  • Determine whether acupuncture can help treat your health condition
  • Determine whether you want to conduct a study on acupuncture or medical acupuncture and its outcomes

The Benefits of Tai Chi

Tai chi is an ancient martial arts practice that everyone can benefit from. F

rom its relaxing movements to the interesting philosophy behind the art, tai chi is a great way in which to decompress and improve your longevity and your health.

People who take the time to explore the martial arts often benefit the most by practicing tai chi first. While it may not be the most aggressive martial art style, it is a sound way in which to learn basic movements and improve overall balance.

This course will explain the basics of tai chi, the many benefits of tai chi and steps to start practicing this particular style of martial arts.

Next, we will go into detail on how to begin practicing tai chi at home or in public, the styles of tai chi and what to expect overall.

Finally, we will give you a few extra tips about learning the philosophy behind tai chi, finding good tai chi instructors and more.

You Will Learn:

  • About what tai chi is
  • The basics of tai chi
  • The many health benefits of tai chi
  • Tips for practicing tai chi properly and safely

The Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • Improve mental and physical health
  • Insights into a peaceful martial arts style
  • Applying tai chi philosophy in other areas of life

Introduction to The Power of the Mind Certification

The mind is a very powerful tool that can help you achieve just about anything. Whether it be conquering a subject, improving skills for work, learning a new language or understanding the world on a deeper level, there is much to be learned.

People who take the time to learn about the various aspects of the human mind and improve their own minds often benefit from an improved sense of self, a stronger work ethic, confidence in their own abilities and more.

This course will delve into the power that your mind can hold, successful methods to develop a powerful mind for learning, and bad habits to avoid.

Next, we will provide you with four methods to help you build your mind for success and self-improvement.

Finally, we will give simple steps to follow, discuss the benefits of a healthy mind and give advice, to help you along your journey for knowledge and fulfilment.

You Will Learn:

  • Good habits of a sound mind
  • Bad habits to avoid
  • The importance of developing your intellect in various areas
  • Tips to help you develop your mind and achieve your goals, both in the workplace and on a personal level

The Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • You will get a firmer understanding of the importance of seeking knowledge and learning every day
  • You will see an improved mental awareness, intellect and confidence in yourself
  • You will be able to accomplish goals for personal development and work goals

of achievement

This certificate is presented to

Your Name


For completing the

Alternative Medicine Certification Lightning Skills Bundle Copy

on 21st November 2024

Selena Hurford

Selena Hurford

Course Tutor


Daniel Morgan

Daniel Morgan

Head of Academy

Certificate Example

Anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter is encouraged to take the course. There are no entry requirements to take the course.

The course is broken down into 0 individual modules. Each module takes between 20 and 90 minutes on average to study. Although you are free to spend as much or as little time as you feel necessary on each module, simply log in and out of the course at your convenience.

You can study the course any time you like. Simply log in and out of the web based course as often as you require. The course is compatible with all computers, tablet devices and smart phones so you can even study while on the move!

Once you have completed all 0 modules there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the 0 modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken a time and location of your choosing.

The pass mark for the test is 70%.

If you don’t pass the test first time you will get further opportunities to take the test again after extra study. There are no limits to the number of times you can take the test. All test retakes are included within the price of the course.

Once you have completed your test you can log in to your account and download/print your certificate any time you need it. If you would prefer us to post you a certificate to a UK address, there will be an admin charge of £10 (certificates sent internationally may cost more).

You can either use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Solo cards or PayPal account to pay for the online course. Our site uses the latest SSL encryption to ensure your safety. All payments are handled securely by PayPal.

You can begin the course immediately after your payment has been received. You will create your login details during the checkout process. We will also send you an email confirming your login details.

We estimate that the course will take about 4 hours to complete in total, plus an additional 30 minutes for the end of course test.

Once you have been awarded your certificate it is valid for life. The certificate does not expire or need renewing.

I really enjoyed taking time to complete this Floristry diploma course online. I have been flower arranging for a few years now and wanted to improve my knowledge and skills. The course was very detailed and the assignments were good, some very creative, I found the history very interesting and how the different periods used flowers for decoration. I am really interested in wedding flower design modules fourteen and fifteen were of particular interest to me. I also found the starting your own business section very helpful. I would definitely recommend for anyone interested in Floristry to take the course.

Siobhan Conway

Taking the International Massage Diploma Course at New Skills Academy was my best idea and my best investment in a long time. The flexible timing, professional yet easy understand material helped me to change career (and life) in no time. Absolutely brilliant.

Mihaly Galambosi

It is quite an interesting course! I have learnt a lot since I have seen the precise explanation and video illustration, and I have enough time to learn so well as I did it in my own pace. I've fully understood the whole concept on each module. By the time I've finished the last module, I'm quite prepared for the exam because everything I've learnt has already been absorbed into my mind. Even once I've finished the course, I'm looking forward to learn more by reviewing the course again. Now, I can properly apply the techniques into our massage spa business.

Ma Margarita

Have purchased an online training course for an excellent price and I am very happy with the modules, presentation and interesting details contained in the course.

Andrea Berta

A very helpful and well-structured introduction to Complete Animal Care. I haven't completed all the course content and modules, but I am finding it is clear and easy to understand and the topics are presented with enough detail to enable a good understanding, but not overwhelm you!
Very straightforward process to access content, good value for money and there is an extensive range of free downloadable resources relating to the course.
While learning at my own pace, the course is giving me all the information I need to start my dream career. I have already and will continue to highly recommend New Skills Academy!

Jenna Griffin

I am considering a career change, so this seemed a good place to start. The course was comprehensive, for the price and easy to follow. The videos were also really helpful, to help put the information into context. The instructor was very down to earth and easy to follow.

It is helpful to be able to print out the course notes, to refer to at a later date. I will also re-watch the videos when I need to.

The test at the end was multiple choice. There may have been information relating to this on the website, but I didn't find it. The questions were very specific, so you do need to have revised before you take the test.

All in all, I am impressed, for the £40 I spent.

Kirsty Trenerry


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