The Complete Microsoft Excel Certification

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The Complete Microsoft Excel Certification

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The Complete Microsoft Excel Certification Course

Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions.

One of the most widely used programs in the world for visualizing and analyzing data is Microsoft Excel.

This software is used in almost every industry, not to mention for personal use in households around the world. Small business owners rely on Excel to track hours, finances, and invoices, and large corporations rely on Excel for data analysis, to visualize data, and innumerable other tasks.

Whether you are brand new to the world of Excel, or you have training and knowledge of the software and are looking to improve your skills, this series of courses can help. By the time you finish the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses, you too will be an expert in Excel.

There is no time limit or deadline to complete the courses.

You can access these courses from any mobile device, including tablets, computers, and mobiles, as long as you have access to the internet. Since the lessons in this course are only a few minutes each, it makes it very convenient to stop and start when necessary. This helps to study when you have time, even if you have less than 10 minutes or 15 minutes. The following is an overview of each of the three Excel courses:

MS Excel Beginners Course

The MS Excel beginners course will give you a full overview of all of the most common features of Excel and how to use them.

Some of the highlights of this course include:

  • A basic overview of Excel
  • Calculating sums, averages, and totals
  • Counting cells
  • Learning formulas, such as IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and AVERAGEIF
  • Pivot tables
  • Inserting, editing, and deleting comments
  • Creating borders
  • Wrapping text
  • Merging cells
  • Pasting, sorting, and converting columns to rows
  • Creating graphs and charts
  • Using the dictionary

This beginners course is recommended for anyone who might use Excel at home or at work for uncomplicated reasons, such as tracking simple expenditures or for calculating sums or totals.

This course is ideal for anyone who has never used Excel or for those who have only a rudimentary understanding of the software. It is also perfect for anyone who is familiar with the older versions of the software, but not the latest version. If you are re-entering the workforce, you will also find that this course will suit you well, and will certainly get you caught up with the rest of your peers.

The course begins with explaining concepts, such as 'What is a cell?' and how to tell the difference between a column and a row.

The course continues by explaining basic Excel concepts such as how to create, copy, delete, and cut information from Excel cells.

You will also learn how to edit information that is put into a cell and how to insert and edit comments when using Excel. T

he second half of the beginner's Excel overview, which is only a small part of the beginner course, will cover sheets, which is an entirely different concept than cells. In this section, you will learn how to rename a sheet, delete a sheet, hide and unhide a sheet, and move and copy a sheet.

You will also learn how to change the color of tabs.

After mastering the beginner's overview, the rest of the beginner course will go further into these concepts, and then teach details on how to perform basic functions. Each video in the course shows where one can learn more about the concept covered in the course, as well as the difficulty level of the concept.

There is also a full explanation of the concept and the instructor of the course visually takes students through each concept step by step on the screen. When you finish this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to use many of the functions of Excel, and can use the program with ease. You will then be fully prepared to move ahead to the intermediate course.

MS Excel Intermediate Course

The MS Excel Intermediate Course will take what you learned in the beginner course and expand upon it. Additionally, this course will teach you more advanced concepts than those that were presented in the beginner course.

Some of the highlights of the intermediate Excel course include the following:

  • Learning more about intermediate Excel functions including ABS, SUMIF, HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, and AVERAGEA
  • Data validation with date, list, time, and numbers
  • Functions such as RANK, MIN, MAX, CHAR, MODE, MEDIAN, CODE, CLEAN, and EXACT
  • How to remove duplicates in Excel
  • Creating random numbers
  • Changing text case
  • Adding custom backgrounds
  • Zooming in and out of Excel
  • How to auto fill data
  • Adding special characters
  • Changing border color and theme

Before jumping into the MS Excel Intermediate course, one should have a good basic overview of the beginner Excel functions.

Those with experience in Excel might feel as if they can skip the beginner course, but it is best to at least go through the course and review it before starting the intermediate curriculum. Like the beginner course, the intermediate course is set up into short modules, and you can watch the module videos on any device that can connect to the internet.

The curriculum in the intermediate course is designed for those who work with Excel in the workplace, and it is primarily for those who want to improve their skills with this program.

There is a lot of useful information found in this course, and these skills are necessary for anyone who is going into investments, banking, or consulting, and will also be useful for administrators or for those who track or analyze a lot of data. If you are someone who is new to the workforce, you, too, will find that employers are looking for candidates with at least intermediate Excel skills.

The first several modules of the intermediate Excel course teaches students how to use formulas, including HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, COUNTIF, and ABS. Data validation information follows this, and students work through several modules, each of which are focused on a type of data validation, such as date, list, and time.

The course continues with more information on specific formulas, which include CHAR, CODE, MEDIAN, MODE, and ROUND. Additional information is given on how to manipulate these formulas to meet your needs as an Excel user.

Other information in the MS Excel Intermediate Course includes how to change the text in Excel, i.e. changing text to all upper case or lower case.

You will also learn how to change the background and add a custom image, and information on auto-filling in Excel. Finally, this course will teach students how to use AutoFill, how to insert special characters, and how to draw borders.

Upon completion of this course, you will know about most of the functions that Excel has, and how to use this software at an intermediate level. Additionally, you will have the skills necessary to use Excel in most business environments. You will also be fully prepared to begin the MS Excel Advanced Course.

MS Excel Advanced Course

The MS Excel Advanced Course is the longest and the most intense of the three Excel courses presented here.

However, if you have successfully passed the beginner and the intermediate courses, you should consider yourself fully prepared to begin the advanced course. Formulas, or functions, are what advanced users of Excel want from this tool.

When one uses formulas, not only can they see the data they require for their work, they can also analyze it and get answers to very complex questions.

Though any person with a small amount of Excel knowledge can use formulas, such as SUM, a user who has advanced Excel skills will use other formulas, both alone and combined, such as MATCH, INDEX, SUMIFS, and LOOKUP.

In addition to knowing these formulas, those who are advanced users of Excel know how to debug these formulas, how to audit them, and how to choose the perfect formula for the occasion.

Some of the concepts that you will learn in the MS Excel Advanced Course include the following:

  • Adding passwords
  • VLOOKUP Advanced formula options and manipulations
  • Other advanced functions including OR, AND, CHOOSE, INDIRECT, REPLACE, LEAN, LEFT, FIND, and ROUNDUP.
  • Coloring a column and row with a formula
  • Highlighting a cell with a formula
  • How to calculate depreciation in Excel, including SLN depreciation and SYD depreciation
  • Calculating loam EMI
  • Full explanation of the INDEX and MATCH functions, covering several modules
  • Looking up data
  • Selecting only cells containing comments
  • Hiding formulas
  • Automatically inserting serial numbers

As you can see, the information you will get from the MS Excel Advanced Course will fully prepare you for virtually any career path, including those that require advanced skills with this software.

Once you complete the advanced course, you will have access to the full functionality of Excel, and will know how to use all formulas, functions, and capabilities.

Though this course is the longest and most involved of the three, once you complete it, you will have the knowledge and skills that most can only dream of.

This course opens with how to add a password and also focuses on the VLOOKUP formula, and several modules teach students how to use this function in their work. The course also has modules on the OR and AND commands, and focuses on other functions, such as REPLACE, MID, LEFT, and FIND.

You will also learn about calculating depreciation, calculating interest, and even calculating EMI for loans, all by using Excel functions.

Additionally, the course features information on INDEX and MATCH functions, which is extremely important in certain industries and positions.

The course also shows students how to use the CHOOSE formula, and how to create special charts.

Finally, the course will show how to automatically enter serial numbers and perform extremely advanced functions. The advanced Excel course is designed for power users.

The general population would not use the information contained within this course, but there are some features taught in the advanced course that can make your Excel usage easier. However, it is recommended that those who take this Excel course continue with the advanced course for a number of reasons.

First, getting more knowledge about Excel can help you to master the beginner and intermediate concepts. Additionally, no one has ever lost anything by having more knowledge.

You might find that knowing this information will help you in the future, too, as you never know when the organization you work for might require the services of an Excel expert. These people are paid quite well, and are an invaluable addition to most companies.

Too many people believe that advanced Excel concepts are only useful for those who are interested in programming or concepts such as financial modeling. This, however, is not totally true.

The actual truth is that the information contained within this course could be the key to your next promotion or your next job. All three of these courses are designed to improve the knowledge you have with Excel, no matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or an advanced user.

Since these courses are divided into sections, you will also find that they are convenient, and it is possible to learn and study during your free time.

Additionally, as the modules in the courses are only a few minutes long, for the most part, you don't have to take a lot of time during your day to focus on an individual module.

Finally, since these courses are available online, again, you can access them from any internet-enabled device.

This course includes

24/7 Student Support

End of course certification

Lifetime access to your course

Compatible with modern devices

PLUS - Access to the exclusive New Skills Academy Study Group!

This is a bundle course, and contains the following courses:

Microsoft Excel for Beginners Certification

Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions.

One of the most widely used programs for visualizing and analyzing data is Microsoft Excel. This software is used in almost every industry, not to mention for personal use in households around the world. Small business owners rely on Excel to track hours, finances, and invoices, and large corporations rely on Excel for data analysis, to visualize data, and innumerable other tasks.

Whether you are brand new to the world of Excel, or you have training and knowledge of the software and are looking to improve your skills, this series of courses can help. By the time you finish the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses, you too will be an expert in Excel. These training videos help you learn at your own pace, as there is no time limit or deadline to complete the courses.

You can also access these courses from any mobile device, including tablets, computers, and mobiles, as long as you have access to the internet. Since the lessons in this course are only a few minutes each, it makes it very convenient for one to stop and start when necessary. This helps to study when you have time, even if you have less than 20 minutes.

Introduction to the Microsoft Excel for Beginners Course

This beginners course is recommended for anyone who might use Excel at home or at work for uncomplicated reasons, such as tracking simple expenditures or for calculating sums or totals. This course is ideal for anyone who has never used Excel or for those who have only a rudimentary understanding of the software. It is also perfect for anyone who is familiar with the older versions of the software, but not the latest version.

If you are re-entering the workforce, you will also find that this course will suit you well, and will certainly get you caught up with your peers. The course begins with explaining concepts, such as 'What is a cell?' and how to tell the difference between a column and a row. The course continues by explaining basic Excel concepts such as how to create, copy, delete, and cut information from Excel cells. You will also learn how to edit information that is put into a cell and how to insert and edit comments when using Excel.

The second half of the beginners Excel overview, which is only a small part of the beginners course, will cover sheets, which is an entirely different concept than cells. In this section, you will learn how to rename a sheet, delete a sheet, hide and unhide a sheet, and move and copy a sheet. You will also learn how to change the color of tabs.

After mastering the beginners overview, the rest of the beginners course will go further into these concepts, and then teach details on how to perform basic functions. Each video in the course gives a full explanation of the concept and the instructor visually takes students through each concept step by step on the screen.

When you finish this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to use many of the functions of Excel, and can use the program with ease. You will then be fully prepared to move ahead to the intermediate course.

What you will learn

The MS Excel beginners course will give you a full overview of all of the most common features of Excel and how to use them. Some of the highlights of this course include:

  • A basic overview of Excel
  • Calculating sums, averages, and totals
  • Counting cells
  • Learning formulas, such as IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and AVERAGEIF
  • Pivot tables
  • Inserting, editing, and deleting comments
  • Creating borders
  • Wrapping text
  • Merging cells
  • Pasting, sorting, and converting columns to rows
  • Creating graphs and charts
  • Using the dictionary

Microsoft Excel Advanced Certification

Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions.

The MS Excel Advanced Certification Course is the longest and the most intense of the three Excel courses presented here. However, if you have successfully passed the beginner and the intermediate courses, you should consider yourself fully prepared to begin the advanced course.

Formulas, or functions, are what advanced users of Excel want from this tool. When one uses formulas, not only can they see the data they require for their work, they can also analyze it and get answers to very complex questions. Though any person with a small amount of Excel knowledge can use formulas, such as SUM, a user who has advanced Excel skills will use other formulas, both alone and combined, such as MATCH, INDEX, SUMIFS, and LOOKUP.

In addition to knowing these formulas, those who are advanced users of Excel know how to debug these formulas, how to audit them, and how to choose the perfect formula for the occasion.

What you will learn

Some of the concepts that you will learn in the MS Excel Advanced Course include the following:

  • How to set a Password to an Excel document
  • VLOOKUP Advanced formula options and manipulations
  • Other advanced functions including OR, AND, CHOOSE, INDIRECT, REPLACE, LEAN, LEFT, FIND, and ROUNDUP.
  • Coloring a column and row with a formula
  • Highlighting a cell with a formula
  • How to calculate depreciation in Excel, including SLN depreciation and SYD depreciation
  • Calculating loam EMI
  • Full explanation of the INDEX and MATCH functions, covering several chapters
  • Looking up data
  • Selecting only cells containing comments
  • Hiding formulas
  • Automatically inserting serial numbers

As you can see, the information you will get from the MS Excel Advanced Course will fully prepare you for virtually any career path, including those that require advanced skills with this software. Once you complete the advanced course, you will have access to the full functionality of Excel, and will know how to use all formulas, functions, and capabilities. Though this course is the longest and most involved of the three, once you complete it, you will have the knowledge and skills that most can only dream of.

This course opens with how to add a password, and also focuses on the VLOOKUP formula, offering several chapters on how to use this function. The course discusses the OR and AND commands, and also focuses on other functions, such as REPLACE, MID, LEFT, and FIND. You will also learn about calculating depreciation, calculating interest, and even calculating EMI for loans, all by using Excel functions. Additionally, the course features information on INDEX and MATCH functions, which is extremely important in certain industries and positions.

The course also shows students how to use the CHOOSE formula, and how to create special charts. Finally, the course will show how to automatically enter serial numbers and perform extremely advanced functions.

The advanced Excel course is designed for power users. The general population would not use the information contained within this course, but there are some features taught in the advanced course that can make your Excel usage easier. However, it is recommended that those who take this Excel course continue with the advanced course for a number of reasons.

First, getting more knowledge about Excel can help you to master the beginner and intermediate concepts. Additionally, no one has ever lost anything by having more knowledge. You might find that knowing this information will help you in the future, too, as you never know when the organization you work for might require the services of an Excel expert. These people are paid quite well, and are an invaluable addition to most companies.

Too many people believe that advanced Excel concepts are only useful for those who are interested in programming or concepts such as financial modeling. This, however, is not totally true. The actual truth is that the information contained within this course could be the key to your next promotion or your next job.

MS Excel Intermediate Certification Course

Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions.

The MS Excel Intermediate Certification Course will take what you learned in the beginner course and expand upon it. Additionally, this course will teach you more advanced concepts than those that were presented in the beginner course.

What you will learn

Some of the highlights of the intermediate Excel course include the following:

  • Learning more about intermediate Excel functions including ABS, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, and AVERAGEA
  • Data validation with date, list, time, and numbers
  • Functions such as RANK, MIN, MAX, CHAR, MODE, MEDIAN, CODE, CLEAN, and EXACT
  • How to remove duplicates in Excel
  • Creating random numbers
  • Changing text case
  • How to use Templates
  • Insert Charts
  • Adding custom backgrounds
  • How to use Tables
  • How to auto fill data
  • Adding special characters
  • Changing border color and theme

Before jumping into the MS Excel Intermediate course, one should have a good basic overview of the beginner Excel functions. Those with experience in Excel might feel as if they can skip the beginner course, but it is best to at least go through the course and review it before starting the intermediate curriculum.

Like the beginner course, the intermediate course is set up into short modules, and you can watch the module videos on any device that can connect to the internet. The curriculum in the intermediate course is designed for those who work with Excel in the workplace, and it is primarily for those who want to improve their skills with this program.

There is a lot of useful information found in this course, and these skills are necessary for anyone who is going into investments, banking, or consulting, and will also be useful for administrators or for those who track or analyze a lot of data. If you are someone who is new to the workforce, you too will find that employers are looking for candidates with at least intermediate Excel skills.

The course teaches students how to use functions, including AVERAGEA, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS and ABS. You will also learn data validation information and students work through several modules, each of which are focused on a type of data validation, such as date, list, and time.

The course deals with more information on specific functions, which include CHAR, CODE, MEDIAN, MODE, and ROUND. Additional information is given on how to manipulate these functions to meet your needs as an Excel user.

Other information in the MS Excel Intermediate Course includes how to change the text in Excel, i.e. changing text to all upper case or lower case. You will also learn how to change the background and add a custom image, how to use AutoFill and how to insert special characters.

Upon completion of this course, you will know about most of the functions that Excel has, and how to use this software at an intermediate level. Additionally, you will have the skills necessary to use Excel in most business environments. You will also be fully prepared to begin the MS Excel Advanced Course.


of achievement

This certificate is presented to

Your Name


For completing the

The Complete Microsoft Excel Certification

on 21st November 2024

Selena Hurford

Selena Hurford

Course Tutor


Daniel Morgan

Daniel Morgan

Head of Academy

Certificate Example

Anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter is encouraged to take the course. There are no entry requirements to take the course.

The course is broken down into 0 individual modules. Each module takes between 20 and 90 minutes on average to study. Although you are free to spend as much or as little time as you feel necessary on each module, simply log in and out of the course at your convenience.

You can study the course any time you like. Simply log in and out of the web based course as often as you require. The course is compatible with all computers, tablet devices and smart phones so you can even study while on the move!

Once you have completed all 0 modules there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the 0 modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken a time and location of your choosing.

The pass mark for the test is 70%.

If you don’t pass the test first time you will get further opportunities to take the test again after extra study. There are no limits to the number of times you can take the test. All test retakes are included within the price of the course.

Once you have completed your test you can log in to your account and download/print your certificate any time you need it. If you would prefer us to post you a certificate to a UK address, there will be an admin charge of £10 (certificates sent internationally may cost more).

You can either use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Solo cards or PayPal account to pay for the online course. Our site uses the latest SSL encryption to ensure your safety. All payments are handled securely by PayPal.

You can begin the course immediately after your payment has been received. You will create your login details during the checkout process. We will also send you an email confirming your login details.

We estimate that the course will take about 40 hours to complete in total, plus an additional 30 minutes for the end of course test.

Once you have been awarded your certificate it is valid for life. The certificate does not expire or need renewing.

I loved every aspect of this online digital marketing course. The modules were well constructed and offered up a wealth of information on the subject.

I found myself learning many new things, such as the best practices for implementing an online marketing campaign, whether through social media, email marketing, or otherwise.

Passing this course has gone a long way to helping me with my online business routine.

I sought to improve my efforts at marketing my work and now, thanks to New Skills Academy, I’ve been able to. Thank you so much to New Skills Academy for this amazing course.

Daccari Mitchell

I am considering a career change, so this seemed a good place to start. The course was comprehensive, for the price and easy to follow. The videos were also really helpful, to help put the information into context. The instructor was very down to earth and easy to follow.

It is helpful to be able to print out the course notes, to refer to at a later date. I will also re-watch the videos when I need to.

The test at the end was multiple choice. There may have been information relating to this on the website, but I didn't find it. The questions were very specific, so you do need to have revised before you take the test.

All in all, I am impressed, for the £40 I spent.

Kirsty Trenerry

Having just completed the Dyslexia Diploma in a few days I can honestly say I now have a much better knowledge of the condition and it gave me so much detail and information to learn in order to use in my teaching job. Very clear and easy to follow with great assessments at the end of each module. Also the multiple choice exam covered all of the important points I had learnt. Highly recommend this diploma. The fact I could study this online in my own time was a huge positive. I look forward to further study more diplomas related.

Carly Dawson

This was the first online course I’ve funded myself and I was apprehensive as you don’t really know what you’re going to get!

However, I’m happy to report that this course has given me a really good grounding in Child Psychology and has whet my appetite to pursue some of the content in more detail under my own steam.

When I had questions, the Support Team’s responses were lightning fast and reassuring and for the fee paid and the experience I’ve had this has been great value for money and a firm foundation on which to build in the future.

Thank you New Skills Academy!

Tom Shires

This is just what I needed to help me launch my business!

I am so excited to use all I have learned here and apply it to my own venture! Was wonderful learning all the science behind the role and was truly, exactly what I was looking for in a course.

I will be referring back to the materials, it is extremely interesting as well as informative!

Thank you so much!!!

Kirsty Johnson

The course was very methodical and logical, always pointing towards the goal of learning the information to pass the test. It’s also a very nice course. Made the process seem much less daunting than I had made it appear. The logical and organized approach to the material really made this a worthwhile course.

All the course materials are very easy to understand and access, and the fact that you could study at your own pace when you want.

I want to say a big thank you to New Skills Academy for your effort, heart-felt interest and enthusiasm in putting together this course and sharing it with us. Your frequent, intuitive tips were great memory cues for some of the hard to retain information and very helpful especially for someone forgetful like me. Most of all, you took any worry of failure out of the picture and made it easy to visualize completing the test successfully! Thank you again for all your help.

I will definitely recommend this site to anyone looking to take professional courses. Thanks to them, I now have my diploma in Hotel Reception.

Abayomi Dosunmu Odunsi

The Complete Microsoft Excel Certification Course

Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions.

One of the most widely used programs in the world for visualizing and analyzing data is Microsoft Excel.

This software is used in almost every industry, not to mention for personal use in households around the world. Small business owners rely on Excel to track hours, finances, and invoices, and large corporations rely on Excel for data analysis, to visualize data, and innumerable other tasks.

Whether you are brand new to the world of Excel, or you have training and knowledge of the software and are looking to improve your skills, this series of courses can help. By the time you finish the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses, you too will be an expert in Excel.

There is no time limit or deadline to complete the courses.

You can access these courses from any mobile device, including tablets, computers, and mobiles, as long as you have access to the internet. Since the lessons in this course are only a few minutes each, it makes it very convenient to stop and start when necessary. This helps to study when you have time, even if you have less than 10 minutes or 15 minutes. The following is an overview of each of the three Excel courses:

MS Excel Beginners Course

The MS Excel beginners course will give you a full overview of all of the most common features of Excel and how to use them.

Some of the highlights of this course include:

  • A basic overview of Excel
  • Calculating sums, averages, and totals
  • Counting cells
  • Learning formulas, such as IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and AVERAGEIF
  • Pivot tables
  • Inserting, editing, and deleting comments
  • Creating borders
  • Wrapping text
  • Merging cells
  • Pasting, sorting, and converting columns to rows
  • Creating graphs and charts
  • Using the dictionary

This beginners course is recommended for anyone who might use Excel at home or at work for uncomplicated reasons, such as tracking simple expenditures or for calculating sums or totals.

This course is ideal for anyone who has never used Excel or for those who have only a rudimentary understanding of the software. It is also perfect for anyone who is familiar with the older versions of the software, but not the latest version. If you are re-entering the workforce, you will also find that this course will suit you well, and will certainly get you caught up with the rest of your peers.

The course begins with explaining concepts, such as 'What is a cell?' and how to tell the difference between a column and a row.

The course continues by explaining basic Excel concepts such as how to create, copy, delete, and cut information from Excel cells.

You will also learn how to edit information that is put into a cell and how to insert and edit comments when using Excel. T

he second half of the beginner's Excel overview, which is only a small part of the beginner course, will cover sheets, which is an entirely different concept than cells. In this section, you will learn how to rename a sheet, delete a sheet, hide and unhide a sheet, and move and copy a sheet.

You will also learn how to change the color of tabs.

After mastering the beginner's overview, the rest of the beginner course will go further into these concepts, and then teach details on how to perform basic functions. Each video in the course shows where one can learn more about the concept covered in the course, as well as the difficulty level of the concept.

There is also a full explanation of the concept and the instructor of the course visually takes students through each concept step by step on the screen. When you finish this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to use many of the functions of Excel, and can use the program with ease. You will then be fully prepared to move ahead to the intermediate course.

MS Excel Intermediate Course

The MS Excel Intermediate Course will take what you learned in the beginner course and expand upon it. Additionally, this course will teach you more advanced concepts than those that were presented in the beginner course.

Some of the highlights of the intermediate Excel course include the following:

  • Learning more about intermediate Excel functions including ABS, SUMIF, HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, and AVERAGEA
  • Data validation with date, list, time, and numbers
  • Functions such as RANK, MIN, MAX, CHAR, MODE, MEDIAN, CODE, CLEAN, and EXACT
  • How to remove duplicates in Excel
  • Creating random numbers
  • Changing text case
  • Adding custom backgrounds
  • Zooming in and out of Excel
  • How to auto fill data
  • Adding special characters
  • Changing border color and theme

Before jumping into the MS Excel Intermediate course, one should have a good basic overview of the beginner Excel functions.

Those with experience in Excel might feel as if they can skip the beginner course, but it is best to at least go through the course and review it before starting the intermediate curriculum. Like the beginner course, the intermediate course is set up into short modules, and you can watch the module videos on any device that can connect to the internet.

The curriculum in the intermediate course is designed for those who work with Excel in the workplace, and it is primarily for those who want to improve their skills with this program.

There is a lot of useful information found in this course, and these skills are necessary for anyone who is going into investments, banking, or consulting, and will also be useful for administrators or for those who track or analyze a lot of data. If you are someone who is new to the workforce, you, too, will find that employers are looking for candidates with at least intermediate Excel skills.

The first several modules of the intermediate Excel course teaches students how to use formulas, including HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, COUNTIF, and ABS. Data validation information follows this, and students work through several modules, each of which are focused on a type of data validation, such as date, list, and time.

The course continues with more information on specific formulas, which include CHAR, CODE, MEDIAN, MODE, and ROUND. Additional information is given on how to manipulate these formulas to meet your needs as an Excel user.

Other information in the MS Excel Intermediate Course includes how to change the text in Excel, i.e. changing text to all upper case or lower case.

You will also learn how to change the background and add a custom image, and information on auto-filling in Excel. Finally, this course will teach students how to use AutoFill, how to insert special characters, and how to draw borders.

Upon completion of this course, you will know about most of the functions that Excel has, and how to use this software at an intermediate level. Additionally, you will have the skills necessary to use Excel in most business environments. You will also be fully prepared to begin the MS Excel Advanced Course.

MS Excel Advanced Course

The MS Excel Advanced Course is the longest and the most intense of the three Excel courses presented here.

However, if you have successfully passed the beginner and the intermediate courses, you should consider yourself fully prepared to begin the advanced course. Formulas, or functions, are what advanced users of Excel want from this tool.

When one uses formulas, not only can they see the data they require for their work, they can also analyze it and get answers to very complex questions.

Though any person with a small amount of Excel knowledge can use formulas, such as SUM, a user who has advanced Excel skills will use other formulas, both alone and combined, such as MATCH, INDEX, SUMIFS, and LOOKUP.

In addition to knowing these formulas, those who are advanced users of Excel know how to debug these formulas, how to audit them, and how to choose the perfect formula for the occasion.

Some of the concepts that you will learn in the MS Excel Advanced Course include the following:

  • Adding passwords
  • VLOOKUP Advanced formula options and manipulations
  • Other advanced functions including OR, AND, CHOOSE, INDIRECT, REPLACE, LEAN, LEFT, FIND, and ROUNDUP.
  • Coloring a column and row with a formula
  • Highlighting a cell with a formula
  • How to calculate depreciation in Excel, including SLN depreciation and SYD depreciation
  • Calculating loam EMI
  • Full explanation of the INDEX and MATCH functions, covering several modules
  • Looking up data
  • Selecting only cells containing comments
  • Hiding formulas
  • Automatically inserting serial numbers

As you can see, the information you will get from the MS Excel Advanced Course will fully prepare you for virtually any career path, including those that require advanced skills with this software.

Once you complete the advanced course, you will have access to the full functionality of Excel, and will know how to use all formulas, functions, and capabilities.

Though this course is the longest and most involved of the three, once you complete it, you will have the knowledge and skills that most can only dream of.

This course opens with how to add a password and also focuses on the VLOOKUP formula, and several modules teach students how to use this function in their work. The course also has modules on the OR and AND commands, and focuses on other functions, such as REPLACE, MID, LEFT, and FIND.

You will also learn about calculating depreciation, calculating interest, and even calculating EMI for loans, all by using Excel functions.

Additionally, the course features information on INDEX and MATCH functions, which is extremely important in certain industries and positions.

The course also shows students how to use the CHOOSE formula, and how to create special charts.

Finally, the course will show how to automatically enter serial numbers and perform extremely advanced functions. The advanced Excel course is designed for power users.

The general population would not use the information contained within this course, but there are some features taught in the advanced course that can make your Excel usage easier. However, it is recommended that those who take this Excel course continue with the advanced course for a number of reasons.

First, getting more knowledge about Excel can help you to master the beginner and intermediate concepts. Additionally, no one has ever lost anything by having more knowledge.

You might find that knowing this information will help you in the future, too, as you never know when the organization you work for might require the services of an Excel expert. These people are paid quite well, and are an invaluable addition to most companies.

Too many people believe that advanced Excel concepts are only useful for those who are interested in programming or concepts such as financial modeling. This, however, is not totally true.

The actual truth is that the information contained within this course could be the key to your next promotion or your next job. All three of these courses are designed to improve the knowledge you have with Excel, no matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or an advanced user.

Since these courses are divided into sections, you will also find that they are convenient, and it is possible to learn and study during your free time.

Additionally, as the modules in the courses are only a few minutes long, for the most part, you don't have to take a lot of time during your day to focus on an individual module.

Finally, since these courses are available online, again, you can access them from any internet-enabled device.

This course includes

24/7 Student Support

End of course certification

Lifetime access to your course

Compatible with modern devices

PLUS - Access to the exclusive New Skills Academy Study Group!

This is a bundle course, and contains the following courses:

Microsoft Excel for Beginners Certification

Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions.

One of the most widely used programs for visualizing and analyzing data is Microsoft Excel. This software is used in almost every industry, not to mention for personal use in households around the world. Small business owners rely on Excel to track hours, finances, and invoices, and large corporations rely on Excel for data analysis, to visualize data, and innumerable other tasks.

Whether you are brand new to the world of Excel, or you have training and knowledge of the software and are looking to improve your skills, this series of courses can help. By the time you finish the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses, you too will be an expert in Excel. These training videos help you learn at your own pace, as there is no time limit or deadline to complete the courses.

You can also access these courses from any mobile device, including tablets, computers, and mobiles, as long as you have access to the internet. Since the lessons in this course are only a few minutes each, it makes it very convenient for one to stop and start when necessary. This helps to study when you have time, even if you have less than 20 minutes.

Introduction to the Microsoft Excel for Beginners Course

This beginners course is recommended for anyone who might use Excel at home or at work for uncomplicated reasons, such as tracking simple expenditures or for calculating sums or totals. This course is ideal for anyone who has never used Excel or for those who have only a rudimentary understanding of the software. It is also perfect for anyone who is familiar with the older versions of the software, but not the latest version.

If you are re-entering the workforce, you will also find that this course will suit you well, and will certainly get you caught up with your peers. The course begins with explaining concepts, such as 'What is a cell?' and how to tell the difference between a column and a row. The course continues by explaining basic Excel concepts such as how to create, copy, delete, and cut information from Excel cells. You will also learn how to edit information that is put into a cell and how to insert and edit comments when using Excel.

The second half of the beginners Excel overview, which is only a small part of the beginners course, will cover sheets, which is an entirely different concept than cells. In this section, you will learn how to rename a sheet, delete a sheet, hide and unhide a sheet, and move and copy a sheet. You will also learn how to change the color of tabs.

After mastering the beginners overview, the rest of the beginners course will go further into these concepts, and then teach details on how to perform basic functions. Each video in the course gives a full explanation of the concept and the instructor visually takes students through each concept step by step on the screen.

When you finish this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to use many of the functions of Excel, and can use the program with ease. You will then be fully prepared to move ahead to the intermediate course.

What you will learn

The MS Excel beginners course will give you a full overview of all of the most common features of Excel and how to use them. Some of the highlights of this course include:

  • A basic overview of Excel
  • Calculating sums, averages, and totals
  • Counting cells
  • Learning formulas, such as IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and AVERAGEIF
  • Pivot tables
  • Inserting, editing, and deleting comments
  • Creating borders
  • Wrapping text
  • Merging cells
  • Pasting, sorting, and converting columns to rows
  • Creating graphs and charts
  • Using the dictionary

Microsoft Excel Advanced Certification

Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions.

The MS Excel Advanced Certification Course is the longest and the most intense of the three Excel courses presented here. However, if you have successfully passed the beginner and the intermediate courses, you should consider yourself fully prepared to begin the advanced course.

Formulas, or functions, are what advanced users of Excel want from this tool. When one uses formulas, not only can they see the data they require for their work, they can also analyze it and get answers to very complex questions. Though any person with a small amount of Excel knowledge can use formulas, such as SUM, a user who has advanced Excel skills will use other formulas, both alone and combined, such as MATCH, INDEX, SUMIFS, and LOOKUP.

In addition to knowing these formulas, those who are advanced users of Excel know how to debug these formulas, how to audit them, and how to choose the perfect formula for the occasion.

What you will learn

Some of the concepts that you will learn in the MS Excel Advanced Course include the following:

  • How to set a Password to an Excel document
  • VLOOKUP Advanced formula options and manipulations
  • Other advanced functions including OR, AND, CHOOSE, INDIRECT, REPLACE, LEAN, LEFT, FIND, and ROUNDUP.
  • Coloring a column and row with a formula
  • Highlighting a cell with a formula
  • How to calculate depreciation in Excel, including SLN depreciation and SYD depreciation
  • Calculating loam EMI
  • Full explanation of the INDEX and MATCH functions, covering several chapters
  • Looking up data
  • Selecting only cells containing comments
  • Hiding formulas
  • Automatically inserting serial numbers

As you can see, the information you will get from the MS Excel Advanced Course will fully prepare you for virtually any career path, including those that require advanced skills with this software. Once you complete the advanced course, you will have access to the full functionality of Excel, and will know how to use all formulas, functions, and capabilities. Though this course is the longest and most involved of the three, once you complete it, you will have the knowledge and skills that most can only dream of.

This course opens with how to add a password, and also focuses on the VLOOKUP formula, offering several chapters on how to use this function. The course discusses the OR and AND commands, and also focuses on other functions, such as REPLACE, MID, LEFT, and FIND. You will also learn about calculating depreciation, calculating interest, and even calculating EMI for loans, all by using Excel functions. Additionally, the course features information on INDEX and MATCH functions, which is extremely important in certain industries and positions.

The course also shows students how to use the CHOOSE formula, and how to create special charts. Finally, the course will show how to automatically enter serial numbers and perform extremely advanced functions.

The advanced Excel course is designed for power users. The general population would not use the information contained within this course, but there are some features taught in the advanced course that can make your Excel usage easier. However, it is recommended that those who take this Excel course continue with the advanced course for a number of reasons.

First, getting more knowledge about Excel can help you to master the beginner and intermediate concepts. Additionally, no one has ever lost anything by having more knowledge. You might find that knowing this information will help you in the future, too, as you never know when the organization you work for might require the services of an Excel expert. These people are paid quite well, and are an invaluable addition to most companies.

Too many people believe that advanced Excel concepts are only useful for those who are interested in programming or concepts such as financial modeling. This, however, is not totally true. The actual truth is that the information contained within this course could be the key to your next promotion or your next job.

MS Excel Intermediate Certification Course

Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions.

The MS Excel Intermediate Certification Course will take what you learned in the beginner course and expand upon it. Additionally, this course will teach you more advanced concepts than those that were presented in the beginner course.

What you will learn

Some of the highlights of the intermediate Excel course include the following:

  • Learning more about intermediate Excel functions including ABS, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, and AVERAGEA
  • Data validation with date, list, time, and numbers
  • Functions such as RANK, MIN, MAX, CHAR, MODE, MEDIAN, CODE, CLEAN, and EXACT
  • How to remove duplicates in Excel
  • Creating random numbers
  • Changing text case
  • How to use Templates
  • Insert Charts
  • Adding custom backgrounds
  • How to use Tables
  • How to auto fill data
  • Adding special characters
  • Changing border color and theme

Before jumping into the MS Excel Intermediate course, one should have a good basic overview of the beginner Excel functions. Those with experience in Excel might feel as if they can skip the beginner course, but it is best to at least go through the course and review it before starting the intermediate curriculum.

Like the beginner course, the intermediate course is set up into short modules, and you can watch the module videos on any device that can connect to the internet. The curriculum in the intermediate course is designed for those who work with Excel in the workplace, and it is primarily for those who want to improve their skills with this program.

There is a lot of useful information found in this course, and these skills are necessary for anyone who is going into investments, banking, or consulting, and will also be useful for administrators or for those who track or analyze a lot of data. If you are someone who is new to the workforce, you too will find that employers are looking for candidates with at least intermediate Excel skills.

The course teaches students how to use functions, including AVERAGEA, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS and ABS. You will also learn data validation information and students work through several modules, each of which are focused on a type of data validation, such as date, list, and time.

The course deals with more information on specific functions, which include CHAR, CODE, MEDIAN, MODE, and ROUND. Additional information is given on how to manipulate these functions to meet your needs as an Excel user.

Other information in the MS Excel Intermediate Course includes how to change the text in Excel, i.e. changing text to all upper case or lower case. You will also learn how to change the background and add a custom image, how to use AutoFill and how to insert special characters.

Upon completion of this course, you will know about most of the functions that Excel has, and how to use this software at an intermediate level. Additionally, you will have the skills necessary to use Excel in most business environments. You will also be fully prepared to begin the MS Excel Advanced Course.


of achievement

This certificate is presented to

Your Name


For completing the

The Complete Microsoft Excel Certification

on 21st November 2024

Selena Hurford

Selena Hurford

Course Tutor


Daniel Morgan

Daniel Morgan

Head of Academy

Certificate Example

Anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter is encouraged to take the course. There are no entry requirements to take the course.

The course is broken down into 0 individual modules. Each module takes between 20 and 90 minutes on average to study. Although you are free to spend as much or as little time as you feel necessary on each module, simply log in and out of the course at your convenience.

You can study the course any time you like. Simply log in and out of the web based course as often as you require. The course is compatible with all computers, tablet devices and smart phones so you can even study while on the move!

Once you have completed all 0 modules there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the 0 modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken a time and location of your choosing.

The pass mark for the test is 70%.

If you don’t pass the test first time you will get further opportunities to take the test again after extra study. There are no limits to the number of times you can take the test. All test retakes are included within the price of the course.

Once you have completed your test you can log in to your account and download/print your certificate any time you need it. If you would prefer us to post you a certificate to a UK address, there will be an admin charge of £10 (certificates sent internationally may cost more).

You can either use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Solo cards or PayPal account to pay for the online course. Our site uses the latest SSL encryption to ensure your safety. All payments are handled securely by PayPal.

You can begin the course immediately after your payment has been received. You will create your login details during the checkout process. We will also send you an email confirming your login details.

We estimate that the course will take about 40 hours to complete in total, plus an additional 30 minutes for the end of course test.

Once you have been awarded your certificate it is valid for life. The certificate does not expire or need renewing.

I loved every aspect of this online digital marketing course. The modules were well constructed and offered up a wealth of information on the subject.

I found myself learning many new things, such as the best practices for implementing an online marketing campaign, whether through social media, email marketing, or otherwise.

Passing this course has gone a long way to helping me with my online business routine.

I sought to improve my efforts at marketing my work and now, thanks to New Skills Academy, I’ve been able to. Thank you so much to New Skills Academy for this amazing course.

Daccari Mitchell

I am considering a career change, so this seemed a good place to start. The course was comprehensive, for the price and easy to follow. The videos were also really helpful, to help put the information into context. The instructor was very down to earth and easy to follow.

It is helpful to be able to print out the course notes, to refer to at a later date. I will also re-watch the videos when I need to.

The test at the end was multiple choice. There may have been information relating to this on the website, but I didn't find it. The questions were very specific, so you do need to have revised before you take the test.

All in all, I am impressed, for the £40 I spent.

Kirsty Trenerry

Having just completed the Dyslexia Diploma in a few days I can honestly say I now have a much better knowledge of the condition and it gave me so much detail and information to learn in order to use in my teaching job. Very clear and easy to follow with great assessments at the end of each module. Also the multiple choice exam covered all of the important points I had learnt. Highly recommend this diploma. The fact I could study this online in my own time was a huge positive. I look forward to further study more diplomas related.

Carly Dawson

This was the first online course I’ve funded myself and I was apprehensive as you don’t really know what you’re going to get!

However, I’m happy to report that this course has given me a really good grounding in Child Psychology and has whet my appetite to pursue some of the content in more detail under my own steam.

When I had questions, the Support Team’s responses were lightning fast and reassuring and for the fee paid and the experience I’ve had this has been great value for money and a firm foundation on which to build in the future.

Thank you New Skills Academy!

Tom Shires

This is just what I needed to help me launch my business!

I am so excited to use all I have learned here and apply it to my own venture! Was wonderful learning all the science behind the role and was truly, exactly what I was looking for in a course.

I will be referring back to the materials, it is extremely interesting as well as informative!

Thank you so much!!!

Kirsty Johnson

The course was very methodical and logical, always pointing towards the goal of learning the information to pass the test. It’s also a very nice course. Made the process seem much less daunting than I had made it appear. The logical and organized approach to the material really made this a worthwhile course.

All the course materials are very easy to understand and access, and the fact that you could study at your own pace when you want.

I want to say a big thank you to New Skills Academy for your effort, heart-felt interest and enthusiasm in putting together this course and sharing it with us. Your frequent, intuitive tips were great memory cues for some of the hard to retain information and very helpful especially for someone forgetful like me. Most of all, you took any worry of failure out of the picture and made it easy to visualize completing the test successfully! Thank you again for all your help.

I will definitely recommend this site to anyone looking to take professional courses. Thanks to them, I now have my diploma in Hotel Reception.

Abayomi Dosunmu Odunsi


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