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Beauty 24

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Our beauty courses will fast-track you into one of the quickest growing careers in the UK. Top beauticians are respected professionals with a broad range of skills.

Our CPD accredited online beauty courses will prepare you for this exciting and challenging career or, if you are already a qualified therapist, they will improve your credentials and your career options.

You will be able to study from the convenience of your own home and will be ably assisted by our online tutors.

Our beauty courses cover a wide range of beauty treatments including facials, brow shaping, massage and many other popular options. We have specific courses for nail and make-up artists and hairstylists too.

You will develop a broad understanding of beauty therapies, salon management, different beauty, hair and nail products and the equipment you require to give perfect treatments.

Our beauty courses are guaranteed to enhance your credentials and benefit your career with our first-rate recognised qualifications.


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