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Entertainment 8

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Entertainment - Find out more


Nothing causes more stress than planning functions like weddings or children's parties which is why people often hand the entire show over to an expert in the field. If you would love to create a perfect event and make people happy, these courses are for you. Our entertainment courses will prepare you for a creative and dynamic career in creating and planning the perfect occasion.

You will receive training in all aspects of wedding or party planning and children's entertainment. You will also learn the importance of managing the timeline, achieving complete customer satisfaction and developing organisational skills.

If you want to plan a wedding, become a children's entertainer or organise events, our entertainment courses will give you the skills you need.

Our range of online CPD certified courses will inspire you to follow a creative and meaningful career path.

Our entertainment courses can be studied online from the convenience of your own home, and our professional online tutors will be accessible to assist and guide you.


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